Backflip Gone Wrong On Wedding | Backflip Fail Funny

2015-07-27 61

Backflip Gone Wrong On Wedding Backflip Fail Funny more. Wedding Dance Backflip KO It's a harsh video, but the narcissism behind wedding dance videos online will mean I still sleep easy at night. Groomsman Backflips Into Wedding Reception, Nearly Knocks The Bride Out Cold Little tip if you are going to a wedding, and I know many of you will be in the next few months, don’t be this guy.
Don’t try to show off. Don’t try to draw attention to yourself. It’s not YOUR wedding. And by all means, DON’T BACKFLIP INTO THE WEDDING RECEPTION AND NEARLY DECAPITATE THE BRIDE
And should you happen to actually do this, God forbid, DON’T TRY TO DANCE WITH HER AFTER YOU PICK HER UP. Oh God, he dropped her.